Council Recruitment Notice

August 30, 2024
Woman in wheelchair wears glasses and uses laptop while talking at table with another woman

The WSRC is recruiting for two Council Representative positions!

The Washington State Rehabilitation Council is currently recruiting for two positions on the council:

The Business Representative will be the "voice of business" on the council. Specifically, we are looking for a business owner, executive, supervisor, or employee who can provide a business perspective on opportunities and barriers experienced by people with disabilities in the workplace.

The Community Rehabilitation Provider Representative will contribute a unique perspective on the experiences of CRP-IL providers as it pertains to providing contracted services to DVR customers. Through our quarterly council and monthly subcommittee meetings, you will have the opportunity to develop recommendations for program improvement and systems change as well as support community partnerships.

We are seeking individuals that are passionate about employment for all and want to actively contribute to improving the quality of DVR services.

The Council's activities are to amplify the interests and concerns of customers in all aspects of DVR planning and service delivery. The WSRC has four, two-day hybrid meetings per year (February, May, August, and November) in different areas of the state. Council subcommittees also establish work plans and meet monthly by zoom to coordinate their work. Prospective members should expect to commit about 3-5 hours per month to WSRC activities, such as reading and responding to emails, participating in virtual subcommittee meetings, and keeping up with what's going on in vocational rehabilitation.

Councils members with lived experience may qualify for the Community Compensation program. Expenses incurred due to travel and lodging for WSRC related activities are reimbursable. If you are interested in serving, please check out our Get Involved page and contact us to schedule an informational interview.